TIMAC AGRO industrial guide on phosphate and superphosphate

Phosphorus’s role (P) in plant metabolism is essential. However, and although phosphorus is naturally present in the soil, its natural form makes it hardly assimilable by plants. To ensure optimal yields and high crop quality, farmers provide phosphorus as phosphate: a chemical form of the element more readily available for plants. On some soils with a non-neutral pH (see article pH), an extra boost is needed. A form of phosphate with an even more mobilizable phosphorus exists and is then used: superphosphate (SSP or TSP). From phosphate rock, a raw material, to a fertilizer containing SSP or TSP in the field, there’s a whole industrial transformation.

Mastering this transformation into a fertilizer to be used directly in the field is TIMAC AGRO’s expertise: we have integrated the entire production chain of a phosphate fertilizer to guarantee exceptional solutions. Thanks to its unique knowledge of the field, TIMAC AGRO has been able to improve the production chain, to revolutionize it, in order to offer solutions adapted to the characteristics of each soil.


Phosphate is one of the primary sources of phosphorus (P) in agriculture. Its high solubility allows it to compensate for the natural phosphorus unavailability in the soil. Obtained through an industrial process, phosphate follows a precise path before arriving on the field, where it will ensure farmers’ yield.




Each raw material has its own properties: depending on the origin and the precise ground deposit it’s coming from, a phosphate rock’s characteristics can be different. The journey begins with a detailed and precise analysis of these characteristics to adapt the industrial process and get the best out of the chosen rock.

TIMAC AGRO has always worked to diversify its raw materials’ sources. This diversification is carried on with careful preparation and categorization of the elements received, which allows us to quickly and effectively determine the process to create a high-quality fertilizer.



The industrial sites reduce phosphate rocks into powder, according to the indications given by the analysis. These rocks, pulverized, become a material much more assimilable by the soil microorganisms when spread in the field: the phosphate becomes what we call “more reactive”.

This powder can already be used in agriculture, it is indeed the basis of fertilizers used in organic farming. But above all, it is an excellent basis for the next industrial step: solubilization.



This step is required in the production of a superphosphate (SSP or TSP). The manufactured powder is put in contact with an acid : it then becomes soluble in weak organic acids, such as those secreted by plant roots in search of phosphorus.

This form of phosphate obtained by solubilization requires a unique process, a special industrial know-how, in which TIMAC AGRO has long distinguished itself in order to guarantee high added value technologies for farmers. Our SSP and TSP is the result of an integrated process, executed directly on our industrial site to guarantee its quality. In 11 of our industrial units, we analyze, prepare and process phosphate materials of various origins to obtain a high quality SSP or TSP, which will make all the difference in the field.

At this stage, the TIMAC AGRO difference becomes clear: we create a highly assimilable phosphate directly in our plants, without depending on external suppliers. Above all, our mastery of the solubilization process allows us to add to the phosphate technologies developed by TIMAC AGRO improving its action on the field. These technologies enable us to produce a phosphate that is protected against retrogradation in the soil and available to plants at the right time, a key element for farmers seeking agronomic efficiency.



Ground phosphate (and solubilized as needed) is integrated into mixtures that will become granules for better use. It will thus become a complex fertilizer, at the service of the farmer. To become an expert on granulation, don’t hesitate on reading our article on granulation. 



TOP-PHOS, superphosphate and innovation

TIMAC AGRO has created TOP-PHOS, a highly effective phosphate solution. At the root of this innovative technology is the observation made by TIMAC AGRO scientists (including Dr. José Garcia Mina and Dr. Jean-Claude Yvin) on the behavior of phosphate with humic substances. It led to the creation of a complex molecule, in which phosphorus is protected by calcium bridges. An unrivalled innovation, that makes all the difference in the field.

  • To learn more about  TOP PHOS : TOP PHOS
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