Why is the electrical conductivity of irrigation water important?

The potential yield of onions can be decreased by


due to a 2 dS/m increase in EC.


Electrical conductivity (EC) measures how well a substance can transmit an electrical current.
Plants are sensitive to electroconductivity for the absorption of nutrients and water. In the water solution, the EC is directly related to the number and the nature of ions dissolved in it. The water quality and the fertilizer effect on the conductivity have to be carefully managed to grow crop well. KSC fertilizer products are recognized to lower the increase of EC in improving the quality and quantity yield of plants.




The electrical conductivity of a fertigation solution:

The conductivity of a fertigation solution is the sum of the conductivity of the dissolved fertilizers and the water used. The conductors are the ions (cations + and anions -) dissolved in the  solution. The EC of each ions depends on their molar ionic conductivity, also their potential to bind with water. The measurement of the EC is carried out by an EC meter and is generally expressed in mS/cm or dS/m. It’s important to know that the total conductivity varies a lot with temperature.




Conductivity fertigation solution (total) = Conductivity of fertilizer + Conductivity of water

The EC for plant is important for several reasons, including the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil or the water solution, and the plant’s ability to transport these substances throughout its metabolism.




If the EC is too high for the stage of development of the plant, osmosis can reverse, and the plant will then trigger a biological protection mechanism to reject water through the roots and gradually dilute the excess mineral salts present in the substrate.

  • The EC sensitivity and the EC tolerance depends on crops and on their stage of development. Tolerated EC evolves with vegetative development, at the same time as the evolution of nutritional (ionic) requirements.



TIMAC AGRO has technologies composed of seaweeds extracts and organic compounds that offer lo electrical conductivity that ensures higher nutrient efficiency thanks to their unique composition.

Contact your local TIMAC AGRO representative to learn which solution is right for your field.