How to improve your crop yield?

Since its beginning, TIMAC AGRO has specialized in innovative solutions for farmers, meeting their precise needs. Since 1989, we have been offering biostimulation perfectly adapted to the challenges of the agricultural world. These solutions are characterized by technologies extracted from plants, active substances inspired by nature and its observation.

What’s a plant biostimulant?

A plant biostimulant means a product stimulating plant nutrition processes independently of the product’s nutrient content, with the aim of improving one or more of the […] characteristics of the plant […]

Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC (

If biostimulants’ components can be quite diverse (humic acids, plant extracts, seaweed extracts, etc.), these solutions all share a common process: activate natural mechanisms to support plant growth.

Applied on the soil (root solution) or directly on the leaves once developed (foliar solution), biostimulants act, for the most part, on the mechanisms involved in the nutrients absorption. Among the different possible actions of biostimulants, we can acknowledge the following ones: an improvement of the mobilization of elements available in the soil, an increase in root volume, a direct action on the assimilation of certain nutrients by the plant, etc.

Why do we use plant biostimulants?

In context of great stress (drought, poor soils, rising temperatures, etc.), plants reduce their activity to a minimum to concentrate on their survival. The plant development, its growth, the future quality of the fruits are impacted. For farmers, these situations inevitably lead to significant losses in crop yield. In recent times, these phenomena subjecting plants to strong external aggressions are multiplying and difficult to control. They can cause up to 80% of losses for farmers.

Biostimulation supports the plants in these challenging periods, by ensuring the full activity (and even the improvement) of the mechanisms essential to their development.

As a complement to appropriate nutrition, biostimulation allows for its profitability and efficiency: the nutrition units provided are fully exploited by the crops, thus guaranteeing better management in the face of environmental stresses and optimal yield.


Plant biostimulants, TIMAC AGRO forte

In 1989, TIMAC AGRO revolutionized the market by creating an unprecedented innovation: the first line of foliar biostimulants for field crops. These biostimulants were already at that time bringing micronutrients and unique technology to plants. Inspired by the sea, created and produced in Brittany, this range is still part of TIMAC AGRO’s fundamental products, under the name SEACTIV. A flagship range that has laid the foundations for ever more innovative research at TIMAC AGRO, to the benefit of farmers.

  • Contact your country subsidiary to discover this range of biostimulation: Our subsidiaries