Career Talk – Jimmy Peck

Field representative in USA

Proximity, close contact with the farmers are central in a TIMAC AGRO representative career. As for Jimmy, they’re not only a professional advice, they’re a way to live. In the Florida State of the US, where he lives, he’s made “being close to farmers” a way of living. Discover his story :

Can you introduce yourself?
I am 24 years old. I live and work in Highlands County, in the heart of Florida. My family has lived in the area for over a century. We are very attached to this place: everyone knows everyone here.

How did you join TIMAC AGRO USA?
I joined TIMAC AGRO USA in June 2021. It was June 21st: I remember it very clearly, I was so glad to join the team! Agriculture has always been part of my life: it is the main activity in my area, but for me, it is above all my passion.

Could you introduce your region and its characteristics?
Here, we grow citrus fruits, watermelons, tomatoes, and a wide variety of vegetables and fruits (especially strawberries), but also livestock for meat or milk. It is a diverse and demanding market that requires strong involvement. In this mature agricultural region, coming up with new solutions (or even methods) is always a challenge.

What is your work philosophy?
A farmer once told me: “The best thing you can give to a field is your shadow”.
So I try to be present in the fields every day. I try to be always ready and available. When I meet a farmer, I first find out what I can bring to him, even if it’s not related to the products I sell. I walk through the fields, I evaluate, and then I talk to the farmer about what I have seen. My job is first and foremost to care about his crops.
I’m also a member of several farmers’ associations, both at the local and national level. It’s essential to meet the farmers, and learn about their challenges, and these are the kinds of places where you can mingle with them and get to know them better.

How do you see the future of your region?
In the past 4 or 5 years, the region underwent tremendous changes. Urban development has profoundly modified the territory: the strawberry fields are sometimes situated in the middle of the city, next to schools and offices. Farmers need support to handle this change. They need help to improve their production on less land.

What advice would you give to a new representative?
When I started working at TIMAC AGRO, I had in mind: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated”. This is a personal motto that I try to apply at work. That, in my opinion, is how we should approach our work.


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More information about our US subsidiary : TIMAC AGRO USA