AIM, driving industrial expertise

Timac agro

TIMAC AGRO stands out for its mastery of industrial processes, powered by the excellence of its teams. To develop the teams’ skills and share the professional know-how of the different sites, TIMAC AGRO has created the Agile Industrial Management program (AIM).

This in-house program brings together industrial managers from TIMAC AGRO teams for a 12-month training including seminars, courses, coaching and a flagship project. Launched in 2020, AIM has already enabled a dozen international profiles to develop and strengthen our industrial network.

In April 2023, the second promotion met at TIMAC AGRO Italia’s Ripalta plant. The local team (two of whom were previous members of the AIM program) welcomed all participants for a week-long training. The week included theoretical training and workshops on safety, TIMAC AGRO solution formulations, maintenance management, lean management and more. These learning moments were complemented by three visits to industrial units, a granulation unit (to discover granulation made in TIMAC AGRO), a phosphate cave (but what is a phosphate and superphospate cave?) and a liquid workshop. With the same objective of reinforcing everyone’s industrial culture, the week also included a visit to the Naster adhesive film plant in Martinengo, with its very different industrial processes and organization.

Held six months after the start of the training, this face-to-face seminar also provided an opportunity acknowledge the progresses made by each participant on their projects. Each of them is in charge of a 1 year project to be carried out over on their industrial site (energy optimization of a granulation unit, increased production capacity of a liquid fertilizer plant, creation of a new workshop, etc.), to be presented at the end of the training course.

A week of immersion at a TIMAC AGRO Italia industrial site, full with learning, exchange and sharing experiences. This meeting helped reinforce industrial skills and management methods, while strengthening the bonds between all the members of the class. A necessary reminder, if any were needed, that the TIMAC AGRO teams possess unique know-how and are committed to promoting and developing the industrial excellence that characterizes them.

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