Managing Mycotoxins in Animal Feed

The principal mycotoxins risk factor is the weather; especially when there is rain and hot temperatures, which favor moisture development. Crop rotation and ploughing are beneficial strategies to decrease the risk of mycotoxins.  Some varieties of crops can be more or less prone to developing mycotoxins.

Mycotoxins can have an impact on animals : milk quality (Trials shows a decrease of 0,4% in Fat, 0,1% in Protein), mastitis, or reproductive problems. They increase the calving interval of 60 days, need 10% more inseminations, and increases veterinary costs by 10%.

The quantity of mycotoxin is increasing in the world, thus is a topic that we should all focus on. 

After observing a grain silo, it can be valuable to take a sample for laboratory analysis. If the analysis shows a crop is infected, the farmer can look for a Mycotoxin captor and be advised the next year about how to properly manage silage production. This product can help avoid using antibiotics on the farm (resulting in antibioresistance).  

TIMAC AGRO Technologies have the following effects:

– Trap and absorb mycotoxins

– Enable the biotransformation of mycotoxinswhich permits to reject them from the body.

  • Increase hepatic protection 
  • Boost ruminal efficiencyso animals are able to take in more nutrients from their feed.

    Up to 70-90% of mycotoxins can be managed using our solutions.